Olde Petoskey Bumpjumper And Sled Company, LLC


Home Page

Bumpjumpin' freaks, Jackjumpin' dudes & Skibock homeboys!!!

Welcome to our world-wide hood - based on rad riding on snow covered hills, mountains and ski slopes!!!  

Welcome & Enjoy!

Hi, my name is ZERK, I'm a FUN-HOG, and I want to introduce you to an awesome new sport!  BUMPJUMPING! 

BUMPJUMPING, or, as some call it - bumpjumpin’ - is done by riding a BUMPJUMPER™! Bumpjumpers are fun, fast --- and you ride them on snow covered hills, mountains and ski slopes!! 

People who love snow sports - skiers, boarders, extreme athletes - there is an element of bumpjumping for you!  Bumpjumpin' involves speed, blasting through snow, wiping out, having fun with friends, and building skills.  It can be done in your backyard, in the woods, on sliding & ski hills (although most ski resorts do not currently allow bumpjumpin' - yet!), or in the mountains!  There are even a few Bumpjumpin' races!!! Oh ya, bumpjumpers are for FUN-HOGS!!!    

All right, lore has it bumpjumpin' has actually been around since the 1800's – though, very few people have ever learned about it.  So far I haven’t found a clear lineage as to who or where bumpjumping started!  Those that think they know don’t seem to be aware of the other fun-hogs in other parts of the world who enjoy bumpjumpin' or something very similar to it!  What I have learned is bumpjumpin’ was lost on the masses and only small pockets of fun-hogs (including a few in Northern Michigan – Petoskey, Charlevoix and Harbor Springs and in Vermont in the USA!) have continued to enjoy this awesome sport!  Now, me and a few of my homeboys are leading a re-introduction of the BUMPJUMPER™ and we want to share this awesome sport with you!
A quick history sheds a little light onto the mystery!   What I’ve found - via the magi of the web - is there are a few pockets of people who bumpjump or do something similar to bumpjumping.   In the North East USA - Vermont - locales around Bolton and a few other areas - local fun-hogs enjoy a sport called jackjumping.  Jackjumpers have various designs – some identical to what those in Northern Michigan call a Bumpjumper.  I found quite a bit of bumpjuming-like activities in Europe, - at a few locales in Austria, Germany and Switzerland local fun-hogs enjoy a sport called Skibock.  Now, I’ve seen skibocks of various designs – some very different from the bumpjumper/jackjumper design and others almost identical!! So, is there a common lineage???  I have more world-wide research to do and fun to have!!! 
J  (hey, somebody has to do it!) Besides these small pockets of enthusiasts, I haven't seen this sport anywhere else in the world!  I hope you try it out!   Or, shed more light on the lineage of bumpjumping, jackjumping and the sport of skibock – here on Bumpjumper.com

As I said above -- my name is ZERK, my company is Olde Petoskey Bumpjumper and Sled Company, llc and me and a few of my homeboys want to share this really cool sport with you!  

We will soon have more content!  You will be able to check-out our pics and videos!!!  Nephews, relatives and friends – all fun-hogs of the first degree!  Some of these guys and gals can boast – as they have sometimes been crowned “world champions” in the bump jump races held at the local winter sports carnival!!  (ok, that and a dime doesn't even get you a phone call anymore -- though once in a while it gets you a beer at the local pub!!!)  Interested in racing -- see February 2014 in our events calendar!!!

This old/young sport will grow organically!!!  Our intention at Bumpjumper.com™ and Olde Petoskey Bumpjumper and Sled Co., llc is to support the sport, create a place for enthusiasts to buy and sell kits and jumpers, and stand-up a community for bumpjumpin' freaks, jackjumpin' dudes and skibock homeboys - all over the world!!!

You are welcome here!  

Soon you will be able to contribute your stories and articles, display your pics, list your kits and jumpers for sale, share videos  and experiences, tell us all about great places to ride and in general create a camaraderie!!!  We hope our adventure will make a new global community thrive!!! 

Ride-on!!! Peace-out my friends!!!!   

BumpJumpin - feel the excitement!™ :)

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